About Me

Health & Wellness Coach.
Certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)

I’m Joerg Meissner, aka JM.

I grew up in Germany, became an engineer, and spent most of my professional life in IT. I have always been mildly health conscious but never obsessed about it. I have been trying to eat well and live a physically active life, but I never followed any strict diet. I was not a “health nut”. The one gym membership I had in my life did not work out for me (I hated being there). I love the outdoors!

So, how did I become a health coach? In short, it started with COVID, which changed a lot for all of us. For me, it was a big awakening that I have to take control of my own health and cannot trust our medical establishment. I thought I better learn for myself what it takes to live a long life free of chronic disease. The pandemic also allowed me to travel full-time, living on the road while still working as an IT consultant. I didn’t have to be at my clients’ locations anymore. I was free. And so the journey began…

I started spending much of my discretionary time learning about nutrition, supplements, and health in general. While living on the road, I met people that inspired and encouraged me. They became instrumental in my own personal transformation. Along the way, my wife and I kept adjusting our lifestyle and diet, truly taking charge of our health. We started seeing changes for the better, which energized me to keep going. 

Through sharing my story, I noticed that many in the communities around me are interested in living healthier. They need help too and want support. That’s how the idea came up to extend my new passion to a profession and make it my new career. 

In January 2023 I finally hung up my IT hat. For good. After a little break, I enrolled with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to become a Health and Wellness Coach. And here I am!

I now live in Southern Utah and spend time in Southern Arizona during winters.