
1-1 Coaching

Highly personalized and completely tailored around YOUR needs.

This is my signature 12-week coaching program.


My signature 3-month one-on-one coaching program is highly personalized and tailored around you, which is why there is no pre-defined set of topics. We start with a follow-up to the Health History consultation, in which we dig a little deeper in to your health goals, your “why”, and your priorities. Together, we will explore adjustments to your food and lifestyle that might lead to better outcomes. At the end of each session you will choose which changes to implement or to try out and how to be accountable. Each follow-up session typically starts with your own reflections on the past week; what worked well and what didn’t. We will address new challenges as they show up and course-correct as needed. The 1-1 coaching program offers you a safe space and the time required for “unpacking” and deep exploration.

By the end of the program you will have gained new perspectives and perhaps adopted a new mindset. You will likely have implemented meaningful changes to your diet and your lifestyle that are sustainable and bring you closer to your health goals. After the completion of the coaching program, most clients can continue their journey towards the realization of their health goals by themselves, but renewal and other support options are available. 

Is it for you?

The program is best suited for people who, for the most part, already know what to do but don’t know how to. While the coaching program will help you gain clarity on your health goals, it is very beneficial to already have some health goals at the onset of the program. 

Your participation and commitment to your health is a prerequisite. I can help you take charge of your health if you are motivated. If you are not motivated, nobody can help you. 

A 3-month program with weekly sessions is long and dense enough for you to implement a significant amount of change that “sticks”, to experience improvements towards your health goals, and to be able to continue your health journey after the program with less or no coaching support. 


It’s Personal
As an IIN (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) health coach, my approach is deeply rooted in the concept of bio-individuality – the understanding that everybody and every body is different. You are the (only) expert on “you”. What works for others may not work for you and vice-versa. There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to your health and overall wellbeing. 

It’s Holistic
Another concept is that of multidimensional health. It is a holistic approach to health, acknowledging that the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of our lives are all intertwined. Everything is connected. This approach to health coaching is closely aligned with functional medicine, which seeks to uncover the root causes of imbalances as opposed to treating symptoms. 


Weekly 1-hour sessions will be scheduled at a time that works best for you. The sessions are video-conferencing calls and can be held Monday to Friday between the hours of 8am and 4pm MST. 

I may share handouts and other information related to your health goals with you, as appropriate and if desired. But the main focus of the program is your personal transformation rather than my information sharing. 

With our weekly cadence, there is no need for additional touch-points in between sessions. You are encouraged, however, to send me updates, questions, or anything else that supports preparation for the next session via email.